Rough financial terrain - the current landscape

First, an apology - I am not the best of bloggers, which is perhaps obvious!  I am not inclined to feel like you, all of my readers, need to know every detail of our existence.  Yet during my recent bicycling rides I have been pondering just what honest truth I can share with each of you about this life as one with a spinal cord injury.

What follows then is, more or less, where we are at as a family in terms of finances following my injury.  You may have noticed I have until this point avoided this topic; yet lately a bit of financial angst has set in - so that, if nothing else, this writing gives me a chance to vent some of those frustrations.  This also will give me the chance to relate what I am trying to do about our ongoing financial shortfall, and (as writing can do) perhaps organize my thoughts around this topic.

Thanks for reading and for even possibly for considering my employment .... some ideas on that topic as you read the following.


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